Atheism in Islam
the Sufis ...
Final entrance into the transcendental realm of Knowledge and Truth would crown
the various "states" of longing, fear, hope, love, intimacy, and trust which
Allah had bestowed; the climatic / state would be experienced as an intoxicating
and ineffable flash of divine illumination, bringing with it the certainty of
divine love - the goal of the mystical theist in all lands.
But a few mystics were not theists. They substituted the Realm of Truth
for Allah; and when the Buddhist influences penetrated Iraq, the Sufis there
moved perilously close to atheism (as did some zindiq or free-thinking sufis), and emphasized
self-annhilation as the entire goal.
These and others among the more extreme Sufis were recognized by the orthodox
Moslems as heretics. ... p 721-2
Ghazzali, Muhji ed-din, "the Restorer (or Reviver) of Religion" 1058-1111 ce
"Ever since I was under twenty (now I am over fifty) ... I have not ceased to
investigate every dogma and belief. No Batinite did I come across without
desiring to investigate his esotericism; no Zaharite, without wishing to acquire
the gist of his literalism; no philsopher (neo-Platonist), without wanting to
learn the essence of his philosophy; no dialectical theologian, without striving
to ascertain the object of his dialectics and theology; no Sufi, without coveting
to probe the secret of his Sufism; no ascetic, without trying to delve into the
origin of his asceticism; no atheistic zindiq, without groping for the causes
of his bold atheism and zindiqism. Such was the unquenchable thirst of my
soul for research and investigation from the early days of my youth, an instinct
and a temperament implanted in me by God through no choice of mine. 45 p
45 Philip K. Hitti, History of the Arabs (Macmillan: NY 1937) p 431
John B. Noss, Man's religions (Macmillan: NY 1956)Hallaj
conceives the mystical union as union with the Creative Word (Kun ,
Be!),which in the Koran is appropriated to the birth of Jesus and the
Resurrection,... p 722